‘Yes Yes Yes, I’m so good.’
Why exploring a woman’s sexual pleasure in 2021 still a stigma? As we experience the sexist double standards of viagra and erectile dysfunction treatments plastered on the Internet, a woman who explores her sexual independence is worrying and vulgar. According to studies, 43% of women have experienced an orgasm is compared to 83% of men who have reached an orgasm. The discussion of female sexuality has been absent for decades. Now, the pandemic has reduced our physical contact and emotional connections, disrupting sexual intimacy with partners. It has become difficult to achieve good intimacy.
How do we say intimacy? Sex toys.
Women should embrace using sex toys without shame. You are not replacing a partner or, your partner is performing terribly. It allows you to explore your sexual needs and achieve an orgasm. Women can experience sexual independence that men have been experiencing for decades. Women who have used sex toys reported better orgasm and arousal. For relationships, 4 out of 5 men are open to introducing sex toys into intimacy.
¨I’m down for spicing up our sex life. If she agrees, I will buy it and anything else that she wants,¨ — Nicholas.
It’s a better way to deal with the emptiness of being single and craving sexual intimacy. With the Internet as open season, you can become overwhelmed with sizes, styles, colors, and special features (I will discuss them in my next blog). First, here are 5 reasons why every woman should buy a sex toy.
- Easier to orgasm. As a beginner, it will be hard to orgasm. Fingers can work but, it may take longer if you are a newbie. Using a vibrator takes the pressure off and, the intensity turns up the heat.
- It is not addictive but, it’s available any day, any time. You can still want the physical touch or the hair grab. No sex toy can give you the love that you desire.
- You can experience multiple orgasms. Once you have mastered the vibrator, it will be easier to reach the climax level. Research has shown vibrators enhance sexual satisfaction, preparing you for an intense situation… more orgasms.
- It strengthens the sexual bonds in a relationship. Hand over that remote control or download the app. Your partner can watch from across the room as you experience an orgasm. Exploring new ways to improve your sex life can create better intimacy. It also encourages you to try new positions.
- It’s pleasurable. There is nothing to feel guilty about when it comes to sexual pleasure. Studies show that no sexual activity can result in many problems like depression, inability to perform, and heart attacks. You are allowed to enjoy pleasure and, it will definitely feel good.
Not every woman or relationship would enjoy using a sex toy but, you should try it at least once. Forget about the myths and stigma of using sex toys. You can finally put all your curiosity to bed and start having the best sex life ever.