My last relationship experienced stress and friction when there were changes in our economic and social roles. I was reasonable in understanding my partner’s feelings but, it was unusual for men to be supportive partners. The task of dealing with an unsupportive partner had a devastating impact on my mental health and work productivity. It became harder to balance work life, mom life, and love life. I worked harder to keep my partner happy but, I felt that my partner wanted me to choose.
Why did I have to choose?
For centuries, men have been able to achieve a great career with strong, committed spousal support. Thanks to societal norms, the one who brings in more money wears the pants. Research states that women are much more likely to pay a higher personal price for their career success. In the dating stage, men are attracted to career success and want to support you. When reality kicks in, it becomes harder to deal with the situation.
How can men deal with their feelings and healthily manage the situation?
Everyone’s career grows at it on pace. It would be unlikely if the career goals can be achieved at the same time. Depending on your career, the progress will be different. Create a plan that can manage both career paths. During the process, ensure that your feelings are expressed. Failed relationships happen when couples aren’t intentional about connecting.
Your partner’s success benefits both of you. The relationship will be in a better financial position; you can plan a romantic getaway. Let your partner’s win be your win.
Any career goals that your partner has achieved can be motivation. To maintain a healthy relationship, don’t allow jealously to control you. It doesn’t do any good creating conflict or sadness over what you haven’t accomplished.
Life can get in the way of a relationship very easily and quickly disconnect couples. It is not a competition. Maintaining a healthy relationship is complicated. You can learn to build each other and support each other with good communication and transparency.