The pandemic has challenged how we hook up. The stay-at-home orders and the national lockdown have shifted toward online dating. However, it hasn’t changed the difficulties that we face searching for a partner. It is complicated and close to impossible to recognize the different personalities. A person can seem normal with fun texts and conversation but alarming in person. They can be everything their interests are looking for, only to drop the facade as soon as they have control.
There are many ways to find happiness in a partner but, there are many ways to be hurt.
How can we avoid these toxic people?
I’ve searched the entire internet for common ones that you’re likely to come across. If you haven’t met them, be on the lookout for these dating personalities.
The Texter
It’s a friendly, romantic, or sexual relationship between two people through text messaging (Urban Dictionary). Textationship is very popular and requires little effort. In my opinion, it displays a lack of respect which no one deserves. If they cannot commit to a casual meet-up, it might make sense to cut ties completely. People will make time for those who matter.
The Ghost
Ghosting is a terrible dating habit reserved for casual hook-ups. Without any warning, you lost all communications. There is no response to your messages or calls. Cue the crickets. It hurts a lot when someone disappears without an explanation. No one expects this type of rejection.
The Catch & Release
Who doesn’t love a good chase? The thrill of the pursuit gets them sending flirt texts, trying to connect and, maybe a Whats App call. This person is persistent and can go overboard with flirtatious acts. When the chase is over, they lose interest. You’d be lucky to hear from them again.
The Sidebar
A brutal trend that ends a relationship before it starts. This modern dating practice has persons mindlessly scrolling through social media during a date. It’s a rude gesture but, you do it anyway. We prioritize electronic connections over what’s happening in real life.
The Love Bomber
It’s human nature to want to be loved but is too much love a problem? It depends on the context considered. In this case, you feel overwhelmed by their intensity and, they use loving words or actions as a manipulation technique. They demand individual attention and feel betrayed when you set boundaries. It’s a tricky situation, determining if you are love-bombed. If it’s happening too fast or you feel rushed, take a moment to breathe and run in the opposite direction.
The Bencher
Most persons have fallen victim to this personality. You are on rotation while he’s playing the field. Although he may seem interested, he hasn’t decided to commit to one person. I believe that he doesn’t like you enough to be exclusive. If he hasn’t communicated his intentions, don’t assume that you’re the only fish in the sea.
Most women feel the need to settle down with one person after several dates. We don’t fully understand the terms of dating. To avoid the feeling of being led on, take control of the situation. According to psychologists, dating multiple people is a great way to figure out what you are looking for.
If you want to test the waters, ensure that it is communicated.